Thursday, December 13, 2012

Шинэ үг

Bear -                      Тээвэрлэх
Resemblance -        Адил төстэй
Delivered  -            Дамжуулах
Households -          Айл гэр, гэрийн
Combination -        Хослол, холбоо
Bandwidths -         Сүлжээний, мэдээлэл дамжуулах хүрд
Traditional -           уламжлалт
Method -                Арга барил, дэс дараа
Providing -             Харгалзан үзэх, хангах
Rebuilt -                Дахин босгосон
Broadband -          өргөн
Completed -           бүтэн, бүхэл
available -              Хүртээмжтэй
Captured -             барих
Poised -                 тэнцвэр
Competing -          уралдах
Broadcast -           Тархсан
Satellite -              Дагуул /хиймэл/
Quality -                Шинж чанар
Broadcaster -        Нэвтрүүлэгч
Transition -            Шилжилт өөрчлөлт
Airway -                агаар
Extended -            Өргөтгөх
Prevalent -            Өргөн дэлгэрсэн давуу
Routine -               Загвар , 1 хэвийн байдал
Distance -              Зай /холын/
Organization -        Байгууллга бүтэц
Emerging -             үүсэн бий болох
Produced -             бүрэлдэхүүн
Equipment -           тоног төхөөрөмж хэрэгсэл
Proprietary -          өмчлөх эрх
Facilities -              чадвар
Frame -                  Гуйвуулах /бүтэц/
Relay -                   Нэвтрүүлэх
Demonstrated -     батлах нотлох
Practical -              үр ашигтай
Common -              нийтийн юм
Enhancement -      Өсгөх
Signal -                   Дохио
Generated -           Үйлдвэрлэх
Committee -           Хороо 
incompatible -        
Phase -                    Цаг үе
Alternate -              Солигдмол хувьсах
Sequential -             Дараалсан
Form-                       Хэлбэр
Varies -                    Өөрчлөгдөх
Voltage -                   Цахилгаан хүчдэл
Variation -                 Хувиралт
Blackness -               Харанху
Horizontal -              Хэвтээ
Field -                        Талбай
Interlace -                 Сүлжилдэх орооцолдох
Per -                           Нэг бүр
Persistence -              Шургуу
Eliminate -                  Арилгах
Flicker -                      Сүүмэлзэх анивчих
Refresh -                    Сэргээх сэлбэх
Revealed -                   Илрүүлэх
Matrix-                         Жагсаалт
Abbreviate -                  Богиносгох
Resolution -                 Шийдвэр, Задлах
Function -                     Үйл ажиллагаа
Affect -                          Хийх үйлдэл
Amount -                        Нийлбэр
Required -                     Хэрэглэх
Satisfactory -                Хангалттай
Modulation -                 Солигдмол
Synchronize -                 Зэрэгцэх
Interval -                       Завсар
Trace -                            Тэмдэг
Sweep -                           Цэвэрлэгээ
Modulate -                     Солигдох
Receiver -                      Хүлээн авагч
Consisting -                   Бүрдэх

Pulse -                            Цохилт

My profession as an engineer

If you 're asking for my plan or the same question as the adults ask in my first paragraph , I would answer you that I am now aiming to be an engineer or I want engineering to be my career . You may have different reactions when I say that but it is just a matter of choice and all of us are have that right
To be an engineer , I must study the prerequisites of entering college First , I should finish my high school and then enroll in a university or college and acquire an engineering course , a mechanical , industrial or civil engineering may do . Anyway , engineers abide by a simple law and the only thing that makes each of them distinct from one another is the nature of the results . For example , chemical engineers end products are chemical products , electrical engineering are for electricity-related machines or equipments which work hand-in-hand with the mechanical engineers . Today , the engineering sector has many branches and each of them have their own expertise . After passing the course , I must take the licensure exam to be an engineer if it is needed . Otherwise , I will not be professionally called as engineer by my name or don 't have a title before my first name
What 's really special about being an engineer is having a wide knowledge and expertise on one specific thing I want . Knowing the in and out of that thing is really amazing . If a have a computer , as an engineer I will know its components , the materials used , software available for the unit and even the appropriate price so that the public will buy the computer . In short , engineers usually know every detail of something he or she is really interested about
Well , the knowledge I will gain is only one of the reasons why I aim to be an engineer . Another thing is really on their purpose in fulfilling their job . For me , engineers also are public servant and are not only confined with their commercial purposes . Though some may think that I want to be an engineer because it is well paid , well , think again . I know that we , in our career , always want to help others . Take a civil engineer for example . Most civil engineers are government employees They are imparting their knowledge in construction to build hospitals schools , bridges , gate arcs , government buildings and many other infrastructures that are of great use for us . If not for them , we cannot be assure that we are safe when crossing bridges or walking by parks or towers . If not for them , community development is not possible
Lastly , I believe that without them , each of them , every kind of them society will be more of a bore . Basically , they give foundations of everything , almost everything that we saw in a society or a city in particular are works of science and art - or simply work of engineers . I may say that they are the builders of a civilization
Dreams are made mostly to guide us in our way of pursuing our life . The question , What do I like to be when I grow up ' is a big start in shaping the life we want someday . Having a career in mind is really important so that we will now what all of our sufferings in life will bring us to . All we need to do is to focus our eyes in our aim - in my case , I should focus my eyes on my aim to become an engineer and do my best to make that my career